Open Access, Open Data, and Open Educational Resources
Open@VT is a blog from Virginia Tech’s University Libraries, focusing on open access, open data, and open educational resources (see the links to your right for more information). The opinions expressed on the blog are those of the authors.

Cathryn Copper works at the intersection of libraries and art, architecture, and design. She has produced and collaborated on projects that range from using technology as reference and teaching tools to collaborative approaches to architecture education. Her current research examines the design of learning environments and new ways to advance the field of librarianship. In 2020, her talk on the use of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in libraries at SXSW EDU was featured as one of the “biggest and most pressing ideas.”

Corinne Guimont joined Virginia Tech in April 2017. Her work focuses on Open Educational Resources and Digital Humanities Project Support. With a background in Information Science, Digital Humanities, and Commercial eTextbook Publishing, Corinne is interested in working with patrons to create digital scholarly output utilizing various tools and technology. To email her, add to gcorinne.
Anne Lawrence is the Repository Application Administrator for VTechWorks. Previously, she was the Online Editor for the Digital Library and Archives, both at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. To email her, add to alaw.

Virginia (Ginny) Pannabecker is Associate Director, Research Collaboration and Engagement at Virginia Tech’s University Libraries. She began learning more about open topics in 2009 during an internship with the Office of Copyright Management and Scholarly Communication at the University of Arizona, and while creating an Open Access Week exhibit for the Noble Science and Engineering Library at Arizona State University. Since then, she continues to explore openness and related topics, such as: Open Research Practices, Open Data, Open Education, and Open Licensing. Her papers and presentations are archived in Virginia Tech’s institutional repository, VTechWorks and in the Arizona State University ASU Digital Repository. She also has research profiles on ORCID, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar. To email her, add to vpannabe.

Peter Potter is Director, Publishing Strategy, at Virginia Tech’s University Libraries. A historian by training (B.A. Virginia Tech; M.A. University of Virginia), he has devoted his professional career to scholarly publishing, most recently serving as editor in chief at Cornell University Press. In this current role at Virginia Tech he is charged with assessing the research and scholarly environments at the university in order to guide the Libraries’ long-term planning in the area of publishing services. To email him, add to pjp33.

Anita Walz is the Assessment, Open Education & Online Learning Environments Librarian at Virginia Tech’s University Libraries. She holds a Masters in Library & Information Science (University of Illinois) and an undergraduate degree in Economics (Wheaton College (IL)). She worked as a librarian for thirteen years in a variety of special, government, academic, and school libraries. She first learned about Open Access and Open Access journals in 2006 while working at the World Bank’s Sectoral & IT Resource Center. She is currently intrigued by copyright, open licensing, economics, student success, teaching & learning, and innovative problem solving. She hopes to raise awareness, encourage critical analysis and creative application of open licensing to benefit faculty instruction and student learning. For more information on the University Libraries’ Open Education initiative, see her OER Guide. To email her, add to arwalz.

Philip Young is the Institutional Repository Manager for VTechWorks at Virginia Tech’s University Libraries, where he previously served as scholarly communication librarian and cataloging/metadata librarian. He holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees from the University of Tennessee. He is a member of the Open Access Policy Working Group, which advanced an open access policy approved by university governance in March 2021. His papers and presentations are archived in VTechWorks, and he encourages all faculty, staff, and students to archive scholarly work there. He also has research profiles on Virginia Tech Experts, ORCiD, and Google Scholar. To email him, add to pyoung1.